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The best sport for athletic and character development
All my life I have been a lover of sport. Sport, in its many variations, has afforded me an education, friends, travel, my adult career,...

Northwest Speed School, Tracksmith and Newton Running team up with Coquille HS Cross Country
We are very proud to announce that through our recently established a 501(c)3 foundation The Northwest Speed School, we were able to...

Moderation is Healthy: Red Wine
Red Wine Makes Me Happy It’s pretty widely known that red wine in moderation is good for heart health. To point out the chemistry is...

Your FitBit is making you fat
Heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, and diabetes, are just a few of the many health risks associated with being overweight;...

The NW Fitness Shoe Review
Nike is the king of the athletic shoe world. They make a shoe for just about everything and do a damn good job at it. The Nike Free is...

The NW Fitness Shoe Review
The Reebok Women's ZQuick TR Lux GT Cross-Training Shoe features a mesh upper "NanoWeb" system (this is the pink part that zigs and zags...

What causes side aches while running?
Every runner has experienced the dreaded side ache. Sometimes the pain is mild, you slow down, make adjustments, and work through it,...
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