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Northwest Speed School joint fundraiser to benefit Henley H.S. & USA Wrestling
Northwest Speed School is excited to announce an upcoming joint fundraiser to benefit Henley High School and USA Wrestling, with the...

Northwest Speed School, Tracksmith and Newton Running team up with Coquille HS Cross Country
We are very proud to announce that through our recently established a 501(c)3 foundation The Northwest Speed School, we were able to...

Moderation is Healthy: Red Wine
Red Wine Makes Me Happy It’s pretty widely known that red wine in moderation is good for heart health. To point out the chemistry is...

Your FitBit is making you fat
Heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, and diabetes, are just a few of the many health risks associated with being overweight;...

Interested or Committed: Cultivating the Athletic Mindset
As athletes become more involved in their sports, as they transition from the age of “participation” to the possibility of being offered...

Goal Setting: A Quantity of Quality
Many of the fitness programs that are out there today like Crossfit, Insanity, or H.I.I.T. are centric to an AMRAP philosophy (doing as...
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