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Northwest Born to Run Clinic and Workshop
FREE - AGES 8 AND UP Join us at the Northwest Flagship in Coos Bay for the Born to Run workshop and run clinic. This all ages clinic is...
Scholarship Finalist McKenna Wilson
McKenna Wilson Volleyball 2017 All-State Selection 2018 All-State Selection Basketball 2018 All-League Selection Track & Field 2017 State...
Athlete Spotlight - From IR to MVP
While pitching in a game the summer of his freshman year Jake Simmons had a non-contact break of the humerus. After several months and metho
Moderation is Healthy: Red Wine
Red Wine Makes Me Happy It’s pretty widely known that red wine in moderation is good for heart health. To point out the chemistry is...
Your FitBit is making you fat
Heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, and diabetes, are just a few of the many health risks associated with being overweight;...
40 yard dash - How fast is FAST?
With the season nearing an end, many sports fans have ALREADY started to look toward the upcoming NFL draft. If you follow the NFL, one...
Overnight Oats - Do's and Don'ts
Overnight oats have become a popular breakfast choice. They are easy, portable, and healthy. Packed with all sorts of different...
What causes side aches while running?
Every runner has experienced the dreaded side ache. Sometimes the pain is mild, you slow down, make adjustments, and work through it,...
Goal Setting: A Quantity of Quality
Many of the fitness programs that are out there today like Crossfit, Insanity, or H.I.I.T. are centric to an AMRAP philosophy (doing as...
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